Thursday, February 6, 2020

Told ya so, again

So if I'm reading the news correctly, Biden has tanked, and Impeachment Palooza has given Donny J a goodly boost in the ratings.

Jeez, who couldn't see that coming?

I must say it's really hard to take any of this seriously. American "democracy" is now scripted in Hollywood and New York, by the same folks who bring you all the other popular reality shows.

It's interesting to see the billionaires circling the wagons across the political spectrum. These aren't stupid people. If Bernie's socialist schtick gets a little too much traction, there could be trouble ahead. I mean, who could have imagined a Soros-Koch joint venture even a year ago?

But here you go.

1 comment:

  1. Joe "The Lifeguard with blonde hairy legs" Biden and Pocahontas were both the MSM's and the Corporate Billionaires (Surprise!Surprise!Surprise!in my Gomer Pyle voice)second and first choice respectively; Biden has been an elected Democrat since I was 14-1969-and must have unbelievably long connections and IOUs; Poca..sorry, meant Warren, has been around decades as well, plus she's a 'woman', in this age of Identity Politics. Absolutely NO difference in proposed policy platforms. Biden, at 80, is starting to scare the power brokers; he is only on the ticket for the black vote, (as Obama's former VP) which would go to a retarded penguin, if it was a Democrat (it has previously, see Obama, who essentially carried and doubled down on Bush 2's agenda) Poca...Warren, well, she has lied too much even for Koch, Soros and the usual suspects. Bernie? Count Floyd and Big Money say "Scary, boys and girls, very scary!" Thus the fiasco in Iowa which was necessary for sanders to generate momentum. Now we are left with that mayor Guy, who has never held office outside of his town. But...but...but he is Homosexual! And unthreatening! SJWs and The Democratic Machine will flock to his camp, once The Lifeguard and The Indian Princess toss in the towel and their delegates, to The ButtGuy. Sanders, the only one presenting any hope, will be ganged up on and bum rushed outta da door. So much for democracy...
