Saturday, February 1, 2020

Some thoughts from the pot-addled geopolitical analyst on the emerging multi-polar world

Great news, folks! History hasn't ended after all!

As America declines it is losing its role as global hegemon. Other poles of influence are emerging.

For the time being, there is a vague coalition of states under US sanction comprised of Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba etc. who have at least one thing in common; they are being brutalized by America's abuse of its economic clout.

Until recently the EU has been a reliable US yes-man, but that's changing. The most enthusiastic American ally has just exited the EU. By every indication this will draw them even tighter into the Washington-Tel Aviv orbit. Israel, US, UK, the four eyes and the usual camp followers in the Gulf will remain allies of America.

The rest of the EU becomes a free-floating non-aligned zone for the time being. The ruling elite in most of Western Europe is fed up with American interference in their relations with countries like Russia and Iran.

Then there's the wild cards.

Turkey. After the failure of the US-sponsored coup that was intended to put Gulen in power, Turkey has gone totally off the leash. Anything could happen.

Our Arab allies. All of America's middle east allies are totalitarian states. Egypt, Saudi, Jordan, Bahrain, are all vulnerable to mass uprisings. If any of those countries ever fall to authentic democracy none of them will be allies of the US pole.

The Nations of Virtue club is shrinking.

Going forward, it is quite plausible that those in the non-aligned zone will be more inclined to gravitate towards the other pole. Then we'll be pack to the way things were, with one exception.

We are now the Axis of Evil.

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