Sunday, February 23, 2020

Fear and loathing in the CBC cafeteria

You have to give credit to the boffins who run the CBC. They have demonstrated great progress in making Canada's airwaves more inclusive.

This must be a great relief for the legions of racialized Canadians who have been clamouring to see more racialized voices on the radio. To my ear, those racialized voices sound pretty much like all the other voices on the CBC, but then, what would you expect from an old white guy?

Meanwhile, the CBC has also attempted to do right by our original sin, our genocidal record vis-a-vis our First Racialized Peoples. Have you noticed how many CBC hosts now toss out a "miigwech" at the end of their shows? Could this be a manifestation of the Great Comeback predicted some years ago by Canada's leading public intellectual?

Alas, all this progressive forward motion is now at risk due to the erratic bumbling of our Prime Minister. Having been elected, twice, on a platform of vacuous and contradictory virtue-signalling, the poor lad doesn't seem to have much of anything else in his toolkit now that some of those contradictions have come to bite his ass.

How dare those damned Indians cripple the economy and prevent the attainment of our climate change goals, goals contingent on our ability to triple pipeline capacity for our fossil fuel exports. There we were in the middle of respectful nation-to-nation dialogue and the back-stabbers pull this?!

The blockades must come down!


The fact that Trudeau was able to so deftly paint himself into this corner speaks both to his over-weening arrogance and a somewhat limited intellect. There's no excuse for not having seen these protests coming.

Over five years ago Doug Bland wrote Time Bomb, a military man's analysis of the potential for a crippling First Nations resistance campaign. If we're not there yet, we're getting close.

Back in the CBC cafeteria, you've got some racialized voices swapping tales of their victimization by micro-aggression. Couple of tables over, two token Indians roll their eyes, and one says quietly to the other, "won't it be a great day when all we have to worry about is micro-aggression?"

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