Monday, February 3, 2020


I'm sure that must be a word, even though I've never heard it in use.

Plutophobia. Fear of plutocrats and plutocracy.

If you're one of those pinkos cheering on Bernie in Iowa, you're probably suffering from a bout of plutophobia.

Fear of billionaires.

Only billionaires can save us from billionaires...


  1. Or fear of yet another rigged DNC result. Curious that the developers of this vote tallying "Shadow" app have been both managers in 2012 Romney's and Clinton campaign? Who now support Butt-whatever's side? A "glitch"/ What possibly could have gone wrong? And he declared victory without even 50% of a vote tallied? Third world countries have quicker, more efficient results. But of course, there is no conspiracy. Instead we can see the very first official Affirmative Action/Social Justice Voting Software put in practice. We all know the wisdom of Comrade Stalin: “It does not matter who votes, what matters is who counts the votes.”

  2. Can't even make this shit up:

  3. “Democracy requires the consent of the loser.”
