Saturday, February 1, 2020

"If I'd listened to Bolton, we'd be on World War Six by now."

For a guy who is widely portrayed as an imbecile, I thought Trump rendered a very astute summary of Bolton's tenure as National Security Advisor.

That's a verdict that rings true to anyone with a passing acquaintance with Bolton's career. John Bolton has been an Empire-uber-alles war-monger for decades. That's why it was hilarious that American media suddenly began rehabbing his image when the possibility loomed that he might be a witness for the prosecution in the impeachment proceedings.

Bolton morphed from unhinged war-monger to sober senior statesman literally overnight.

He's not the only one to have enjoyed reputational rehab in the media over the past three years.

Robert Mueller went from hapless doofus to the guy who "cleaned up" the FBI.

The FBI went from the compromised domestic spy agency they've been since J Edgar Hoover's time to patriotic guardians of American virtue.

Henry Kissinger went from internationally wanted war criminal to esteemed elder statesman of the American Empire.

Dubya went from the dumbshit who destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq, miring America in wars that go on to this day, to a cuddly old dude swapping bonbons with Michelle Obama...

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