Saturday, February 1, 2020

Donald Trump is the smartest operator in US politics

And the hardest working too.

Which is not the same as saying he's good for America or for the world. What's indisputable is that he's very good for the billionaire class both at home and abroad.

Trump's approval ratings have been steadily climbing for almost two years since their all-time lows in late 2017. This is in spite of (perhaps partially because of?) the unprecedented across-the-board media campaign to portray him as a narcissistic imbecile.

He may be a narcissist, but at this point he's been president long enough that even the most virulent Trump-haters should be reconsidering the imbecile part. What's the most important objective for any first term president?

Re-election. Trump's 2020 campaign kicked off within a month of his 2016 victory and he's been relentless.

The secret to the 2016 win wasn't Russian meddling, it was out-hustling the Clinton campaign. Hillary was doing a major campaign event every three or four days. Trump was doing three or four a day.

That's why he's the POTUS and Hillary is a bitter has-been.

1 comment:

  1. "Russian meddling" has been exposed for the hoax it was. As was the moronic "Steele Dossier". As will be this Democratic sham now. And Bernie will be dumped in yet another Democratic Party subterfuge play, so the former Republican mayor of New York, now a fearless Democrat, will win the nomination. Warren, the "media's" choice, is now too unpalatable even for these maggots. What a pathetic joke...
