Saturday, November 23, 2019

Good riots/bad riots

Looks like Canada is all-in for ramping up the violence in Hong Kong.

The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper of record, today features a 16 year old Canadian on the front page, a Canadian kid of HK origin who is vigorously helping restore democracy to the former British colony.

Then "Andy" gets two full pages of hero worship in the Folio feature.

Here's the first few lines of Nathan VanderKlippe's hagiography;

Andy raises a hand and begins to count the crimes he has committed as a Hong Kong protester in the past five months. Arson, attacking police, inciting violence...

Lucky for Andy he's having his fun in Hong Kong. In Canada he'd be locked up for sure.

But don't you know, the Hong Kong riots are good riots, because they are aimed at making trouble for China. If we are to be loyal servants to our American bosses, we must hate China with all our hearts.

Meanwhile, Canada's national newspaper of record is largely silent on the many more deadly protests going on around the world.

The Yellow Vesters are still at it in France, after a year of protests that have often turned deadly. Mum's the word on protests in France. Even though Macron has said some rude things about NATO recently, our Globe and Mail is loathe to criticise his heavy-handed (far heavier hands than China) treatment of protesters.

Look at the protests on-going in some of those countries we allied ourselves with in the "Lima Group." Where's the Globe's coverage of the deadly riots in Chile and Columbia and Honduras? Those are obviously bad riots, because as far as I know, we're still allied with those police states in our attempt to restore democracy to Venezuela.

Some of the deadliest pro-democracy riots in the world right now are going on in Haiti, a country where Canada has played a pivotal role in over-throwing democratically elected governments. Twice. Good luck finding meaningful coverage of those bad Haitian riots in your Globe.

Thank God for our free press!

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