Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A really big shoe

Remember when Ed Sullivan always had "a really big show," but it sounded like he said "shoe" instead of "show?"

These days, the really big shoe is of course Impeachment Palooza. Seems to me this is brought to you by the same folks who have been renovating the historical record on American war crimes and war criminals. Henry "peace is at hand" Kissinger is a cuddly elder statesman now, still wanted as a war criminal in many jurisdictions, but that's just the result of Putinist propaganda.

America's decade and a half unprovoked brutalisation of Viet Nam was just some well-meaning folks whose good intentions were undermined by the commies in Russia and China.

Ditto the destruction of Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and various others. There's always some foreign ne're-do-wells messing up Uncle Sam's good intentions. And thank God the truth-seekers have been setting the record straight on the altruists at the CIA and the FBI, who have for years been stymied by a pinko press corps riddled with commie infiltrators.

Impeachment Palooza reveals that, at least before the racist misogynist xenophobic narcissistic retard Trump stole the Oval Office from Hillary, America NEVER asked for anything in return when doling out foreign aid or Javelin anti-tank missiles...

So make sure you watch the show! If nothing else, it'll take your mind off the tawdry goings on elsewhere in the world.

Like the US sponsored coup that just went down in Bolivia.

Like the US led sanctions that are designed to starve the children of Iran until the Ayatollahs cry "Uncle Sam."

Like the new US military bases sprouting up in the Syrian oilfields a month after American troops supposedly left the country they were illegally occupying.

Like America's trillion dollar commitment to freshening up its nuclear arsenal.

I could go on, but you probably get the drift...

Or at least you would, it you weren't too busy watching the big shoe.

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