Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Pot-addled hillbilly meets vape technology

I've smoked pot since I worked at John's Supertest on Waterloo Ave in Guelph. Smoking pot required three ingredients; a bag of weed, a pack of rolling papers, and a book of matches.

That's what smoking pot looked like for fifty years. You knew what to do and you knew what you were doing.

Then, a few years ago, I thought I'd go modern.

Found myself with a vaporiser, or a 'vape' as the in-the-know folks call them.

Near as I can tell, "vape" is one of those words that can be both a verb and a noun. So instead of twisting one up and sparking it, I now vape from a vape.

I've never done well with "progress."

Somewhere deep inside I still hope computers are a passing fad. But this vape thing was OK.

My pot lasted longer and my chronic cough diminished...

It was all good!

But a few weeks ago, my vape horked up a vital internal part while I was cleaning it.

Had to get a new one.

Went to the shop where I got the last one, but that absolutely perfect vape that I'd paid a hundred bucks for a few years ago was no longer available.

I walked away with a PAX2 for two hundred bucks.

Costs have doubled while efficacy has halved. Isn't that the modern way?

I've had two very frustrating weeks trying to learn the new technology. Even bought a pack of rolling papers for the first time in years, because the learning curve was pretty flat for the first little while.

After at least four on-line tutorials, I think I've figured out what the different sequences of blooping lights mean. They mean different things than they meant on my old vape.

For two weeks I was essentially sucking air.

But I'm getting the hang of it.

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