Sunday, November 3, 2019

Guardian predicts Donald Jr White House run in 2024

There's a remarkably sympathetic review of Donald Trump Jr's new book on view at The Guardian, which is normally a seething nest of Trump-hating pseudo-progressives.

The reviewer, one Lloyd Green, goes so far as to draw a parallel between Trump Jr's bashing of progressives in his book, with Obama's recent remarks on "wokeness."

Fair enough, but commentators on  US politics should have more to chew on these days than who might run in 2024. It should be obvious by now that the elected president of the United States is not in fact in charge of the joint.

If it's not the elected president, who is it?

That's a question that deserves an answer long before we speculate about who might be running in 2024.


  1. Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee (She was an "anchor baby"' born in California while her Jamaican/Indian parents attended UCLA and later, McGill. In our age of identity politics, she has no AA heritage, an inconvenient truth...) has now left the "Presidential Race", ignoring the fact that she was in the Democratic Primaries: :" The US is just not ready for a black Woman President!". Dang, prolly dos Democrats are raciss after all, huh?

  2. I should also add that Kamala Harris graduated from Westmount High, Westmount being what Quebecois have called "White Rhodesia" since the 1960s. Fun Facts; Kamala Harris' campaign office is/was situated in 70% black Baltimore...
