Saturday, November 2, 2019

Lots of good reads in the Globe today

When you fork over $6.30 to the Korean Extortionist for a Saturday Globe, and you're done reading anything worth reading in under an hour, you tend to feel ripped off. But not today. Even Doug and Mark had feature articles that I managed to get through without any noticeable rise in blood pressure.

But maybe that's just more evidence of my cognitive decline...

Having said that, Mark's multi-page "Folio" feature on the betrayal of the Kurds is a good example of how the billionaire-owned media chooses what you or I get to read. When is the last time you saw a multi-page feature on the betrayal of the Palestinians in the Globe? Or Canada's complicity in the betrayal of Haitian democracy? Probably never.

My favourite piece was Marty Klinkenberg's profile of the three mountaineers who died on Howse Peak back in April. I'm a big fan of fairly extreme mountain hiking, but I've never been a ropes-and-pitons guy. I have an acquaintance who is. From talking to him, I get the sense that the climbing club is pretty exclusive. You're not in the club until you've dangled from ropes attached to the premier climbing mountains around the world.

Elsewhere, Report on Business has a feature on how "Bay Street whipped up a cannabis frenzy," which completely avoids any mention of how the Globe and Mail assisted Bay Street in whipping up that frenzy.

Without using the actual words, the thought-leaders at the Globe now acknowledge what I've been saying all along; Canada's legal weed roll-out was a classic pump-and dump scam.

Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble...

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