Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Stretching credulity...

When you see multi-millionaire former Prez George W sharing the billionaire team-owners luxury suite with multi-millionaire lefty Ellen, you know somebody's pulling your leg.

What's up with the media-infotainment complex's whitewashing of the old guard war criminals? The reframing of the Bush dynasty goes hand in hand with the reframing of the CIA and the FBI. Any remotely progressive person has always known that those entities are to human rights what Holy Water is to the devil's excrement. (I'm not talking about oil, although it wouldn't be hard to work it into the narrative.)

Hollywood is coming dangerously close to showing its hand. Even that staple of the progressive's viewing diet, SNL, is having fun and chasing ratings by mocking "medicare for all." You know, that public health care regime which promises care for all who need it, regardless of their financial situation. It's practically universal in the so-called developed world (and even quite a bit beyond), but for some reason, the richest country on the planet can't afford it.

"Some reason" consists mainly of the richest, most lavishly funded lobby in lobby-infested DC. There's a lot of money to be made not providing health care to people who can't afford it. The people who enrich themselves as shareholders and executives in the health-care field would have to find honest work if America ever had public health care.

That scares the shit out of them.

The same Hollywood masterminds who create SNL aren't about to get behind any other genuinely progressive ideas either. Hollywood is owned by Wall Street and the billionaire class, just like the GOP and the DNC. That's why across the spectrum, from MSNBC to Fox News, you'll find nothing but scorn and ridicule poured on Bernie and the so-called squad.

The word "socialism" is increasingly in the news these days.

That's not news the billionaires want to hear.

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