Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Be Afraid! Right-wing extremism a growing threat in Canada

When I was studying sociology a few lifetimes ago, there was a guy in the Soc Department at U of Goo who was already well into what would turn into a long career specializing in the study of right-wing extremism in Canada. Professor Barrett had an ominous warning for us; right-wing extremism was a growing threat!

Almost fifty years later, right-wing extremism is still a growing threat, according to the CBC, except the threat seems to have moved online. Yes, those nefarious basement-dwelling fascist nose-pickers are plotting the overthrow of democratic pluralism. They are furthering their evil plans for world domination by sending hurtful social media messages from the grubby underbelly of the internet. 

The CBC story is entirely based on a report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, one of many similar NGOs policing cyberspace for deviations from acceptable political thought. Take a moment to peruse their Partnerships and Funders page. You've got a smattering of billionaires, the governments of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA, as well as the entire gamut of tech giants from Amazon to Facebook to Microsoft to YouTube, and there is NOTHING their combined resources can possibly do to stem the tide of racist hate emanating from the basement dwellers!

Colour me skeptical. If the tech giants can silence the White House when it suits them, surely they've got the ability to silence these wack jobs if they were at all serious about it.

Which they're not. 

Think about it. There are literally thousands of otherwise unemployable poly-sci and soc grads gainfully employed in academia, government, think tanks, and NGOs, ferreting out right-wing extremism on the internet and issuing earnest reports. Were this menace ever to be vanquished, they'd all be unemployed!

The tide of right-wing extremism is forever rising because exposing imaginary threats to American Exceptionalism has become a niche career with great prospects. The billionaires enjoy funding this nonsense because it keeps the little people at one another's throats, instead of considering their common interests, which are most definitely not the interests of the billionaire class.

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