Monday, July 19, 2021

Western forest fires obscure the skies at Falling Downs

It's not unusual to have a hazy summer day. Usually the haze lifts once the sun has been up for a few hours, but we're on our second day with no sign of blue in the sky. When you have hundreds of forest fires burning out west, the smoke eventually drifts here. It's not a headline story at CBC yet, but they'll find it eventually, and it'll inspire dozens of hysterical climate panic stories.

As a retired person who no longer has a purpose in life, otherwise known as a "job," I have lots of time to sit on the stoop and watch the world go by. What I've noticed is that around here most of the world goes by in large four-door four-wheel-drive pick-up trucks. These trucks are typically propelled by more torque than you'd find in a fifty-year-old Freightliner that used to haul twenty ton loads cross-country.

The trucks going by here are mostly used to haul one lone dude back and forth to work.

I don't get it.

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