Saturday, July 31, 2021

Latest toxic turd from Ministry of Truth: "prebunking"

We also know that while debunking falsehoods is difficult, we can inoculate people against myths by prebunking. Prebunking involves warning people that misinformation is coming their way - similar to how vaccines warn the human immune system to be on the lookout for dangerous pathogens.

That's a paragraph from an article titled At this point in the pandemic, it's misinformation that's killing people, from today's Globe and Mail.

Sounds good to me! Who wouldn't want a heads up that there's a load of BS coming their way?

Let's see now... that would require a central clearing house that could reliably sort bunk from truth; a "Ministry of Truth," in other words. Such an institution would of necessity be staffed with experts. Not just any old random experts, but experts whose expertise does not run afoul of Ministry of Truth guidelines.

In the case of pandemic misinformation that is now killing more people than the pandemic itself, the relevant experts would be drawn from the pharmaceutical industry, because nobody knows more about vaccine than they do. Their truths would then be disseminated via established and reliable media outlets like The Globe and Mail and CBC. 

Isn't that where we've been all along?

I would suggest that a great deal of "vaccine hesitancy" is due to the fact that the ever-changing guidance provided by experts and legacy media has left people confused and distrustful. As well, a lot of folks have by now noticed there are plenty of well-qualified experts who are never heard from because they disagree with the prevailing narrative, and as everybody knows, questioning official narratives is the enemy of science, at least "science" as the word has been redefined over the past 18 months.

So it's obvious we need an official arbiter of what's truth and what's bunk. Let the prebunking begin!

All hail the Ministry of Truth!

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