Thursday, July 8, 2021

Get your head out of your @ss and your @ss out of Toronto

I for one am sick and tired of listening to folks bleating about how they can't afford to live in Toronto anymore. Real estate speculators and immigrants are forcing them out. Mostly that's new immigrants forcing out the previous ones. 

Why does everybody have to live in Toronto?

That's where the jobs are.

For the folks with minimum skills and experience, those entry-level jobs are available everywhere, not just in Toronto, and shit jobs pay shit wages clear across the country.

That's why I can't figure out why more folks don't take those crappy jobs out east. The pay is the same, but you can buy a three bed two bath place on a spacious country lot overlooking the Saint John River for well under two hundred.

According to the TD Mortgage Calculator, you can carry a two hundred thousand dollar mortgage for under $1000/month. That's half the price of an apartment in Toronto!

There's all kinds of jobs available for anyone willing to work. Minimum skills, education, and work experience will still get you a 30k/yr job or better. Any young couple moving out there to build a life can make their home ownership dreams a reality.

But you'd have to move your ass out of Toronto.

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