Monday, July 26, 2021

Implosion or explosion, America is primed and ready to blow

Had breakfast with my old pal Kipling at the Teviotdale Truck Stop today, because you can do that again.

Kipling is one of those rare souls who has been blessed, if you can call it that, with the magical powers to cross the closed Canada-US border. That's because his cargo is deemed essential to national security, on both sides. He's one of the few contractors fully licensed to haul machine guns and mortars. Apparently national security considerations trump covid any day of the week.

In his stateside travels, Kipling has the opportunity to take stock of the country he's been doing business in for fifty years. He doesn't like what he sees.

He talks about "food deserts." I've read about that. He's seen it. There's neighbourhoods where you're miles from anything resembling fresh food, where people do their food shopping at the local gas station. There's entire neighbourhoods where people get by on Doritos and pop, with once in awhile gas station hotdogs for special occasions. Is it any wonder everybody in the Dorito zones is obese?

The only healthy industry in America today is the one providing hyper-processed fake food to fat people.

The infrastructure is third world, public health care is non-existent, the government is bankrupt, guns and despair are everywhere...

But, take your pick of Fox or CNN or MSNBC; all of them talk as though America remains the "indispensable nation."  

The wake-up call is long overdue. 

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