Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Epic fail: Green Party paints itself as anti-Black and anti-Jewish all in one go!

I had high hopes for Green Party politics when they first emerged as a formal political party in Germany back in the Petra Kelly days. 

Petra Kelly styled herself an "ecofeminist," which has a cool ring to it even forty years later, and the political potential of green politics fired up a lot of imaginations back in the day.

Alas, forty years on, Green parties everywhere are spinning their tires on wet grass. The German greens are a NATO-positive eco-fascist movement now. And the Canadian version is busy consigning itself into oblivion even as I write these words.

The Green party in Canada was always the preserve of political dilettantes, at least in the upper echelons. Their modest grassroots very occasionally managed to elect someone to parliament. When Annamie Paul was elected national leader last year, I originally saw grounds for optimism.

Paul was the first leader of a national political party in Canada who was Black.

She was also the first Jewish woman to lead a national political party!

They elected a Black Jewish woman. What could be more progressive than that? To my mind, they'd hit a three-run homer in the virtue-signalling sweepstakes! Don't diss virtue signalling. How do you think Justin got elected? Why do you think he's miles ahead in the polls now? 

Yet, a series of unforced errors have left the Greens absolutely irrelevant.

Why and how did this happen?

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