Tuesday, September 21, 2021

And the winner is...


Had the CBC on the radio as I was driving down to Teviotdale for breakfast with my old pal Kipling. 

One of the recurring themes the journos were on, if those on-air CBC types can be considered journalists, was; since we ended up exactly where we were six weeks and six hundred million dollars ago, was the election worth it?

Every politician, regardless of party, had the same stock answer.

Democracy is priceless!

That's an answer pre-loaded with so much faux gravitas, you almost, for a second or two, think it's an actual answer to the question!

Anyway, God bless Kipling, because when he finally showed up in his 23 year old VW van with almost 3 million miles on it, towing a trailer full of firewood, he had no idea who won the election. My mental health would probably be better if I could have such a nonchalant attitude to the world of politics. 

But thankfully, there's always a toke and a beer to take your mind off it.

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