Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Climate crisis makes weather worse but better

Check out this story at CBC.

It's a good-news bad-news story.

The bad news is that due to anthropogenic climate devastation, we're having more climate catastrophes than ever. Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, rising sea levels and melting glaciers; you name it. If we don't get off the fossil fuels right quick we're gonners.

Then again, maybe not.

The good news is that worse and worse climate catastrophes kill fewer and fewer people. 

That's gonna piss off Greta something fierce. 

I find it mildly amusing the way these bullshit emission targets the Western world resets every few years at their interminable "climate conferences," from Rio to Kyoto to Paris and beyond, are treated as our planet's only route to salvation. If that's even remotely true, we're well and truly screwed. We've never met any of those targets and we never will! It's one big fat exercise in PR and political grandstanding.

But the climate we're wrecking seems to get kinder to us the more we wreck it.

How does that make sense?

Perhaps humanity will keep evolving as it has for the past few hundred thousand years...

Adapt or die!

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