Friday, September 3, 2021

The car of the future

Don't get too excited about what Elon and the rest of the electric car crowd tell you. There's not enough lithium in the world to make their dreams come true.

Oh, you might have an electric car alright. It'll have a big solar sail on the roof. On a sunny day you'll be able to go as far as you want, at a speed of at least 20kph, at least until sunset.

On a windy day, the sky's the limit, as long as it's blowing in the direction you're hoping to go.

More likely you'll be driving a hybrid of some sort.

That EV tech will be supplemented by a lawn-mower engine. But it'll have two turbochargers AND a supercharger! That'll be just the ticket for those days, or rather that time of day, when the sun sets and the wind dies down.

Running on nothing but that internal combustion engine, in the dead of night when the air is still, you'll get an astonishing .25 litres per 100km!

The fact that it'll take you three days to go that 100km will no doubt be considered a liability in some circles, especially among those who need to get somewhere.

But think about it. What's your rush? One of our big problems in society is everybody's in a big rush all the time. Let's slow down and get to know one another.

Plus, just think about how many deaths and serious injuries will be avoided when nobody's going over 20kph, at least as long as it's not too windy. 

By golly, I think we just solved the carnage on the highways! The billions we save on medical expenses can be ploughed into child care and affordable housing! Talk about a win-win and win again!

The car of the future will save the planet!

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