Sunday, September 19, 2021

The democracy circus comes to town

Tomorrow is election day in Canada.

The three leading parties are all pretty much about the status quo. The rhetorical flourishes of the leaders mask the fact they're all singing out of the same neo-lib hymnal.

Affordable child-care has been an "issue" my entire adult life. My entire adult life either the Libs or the PCs have been in power. Never have they done anything about the issue while in power, but on the campaign trail, they have suddenly seen the light?

Same goes for the affordable housing issue. The Liberals and Conservatives both cut back on non-profit public housing. They've done nothing in the ensuing three or four decades to solve the supply problem. But for a few short campaign weeks they'll regale you with their heartfelt solutions to a problem they created.

Once the NDP repudiated their roots as a "socialist" party, they've become the Liberal Lite party. Look how effortlessly Bob Rae segued from NDP premier of Ontario, to interim leader of the federal Liberal party.

Since there's next to nothing to choose substance-wise between the three main parties, it'll boil down to a Trudeau popularity contest. The Toronto Star endorsed him today, and while the CBC can't officially endorse a candidate, it's clear they're part of Team Trudeau too.

Which also explains their treatment of the fringe parties, the Greens and the PPC. Media coverage of the Greens was focused almost exclusively on in-party strife, while Bernier's party was pointedly excluded from the debates, even though not too long ago he came within a whisker of leading the PCs!

I have to say I don't have a horse in this race, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people feel the same.

By choosing amongst "choices" offered by our political elite and their billionaire owners, we're just legitimising the circus.

It's high time we had a "none of the above" option on the ballot. 

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