Saturday, September 11, 2021

Flight School at Falling Downs

It's that time of the year when the geese begin training up for their Florida winter vacations. Once they're off, they'll be beshitting the beaches, golf courses, and sundry public spaces in Florida and the Carolinas for the next several months.

But before they can do that, they gotta figure out the "V" formation.

We witnessed a test flight today where the "V" looked more like an alphabet soup, but not to worry.

They'll figure it out and they'll be happily spreading their feces all over the southern states in a month, as if those folks don't have enough on their plates already.

Speaking of which, the 'mericans are celebrating 9/11 today, the 20th anniversary. Those Saudi dudes who piloted those passenger jets into the twin towers had never before piloted jets, and according to their flight school records, had a lot of issues landing a Cessna.

Go figure...

And how about lead terrorist Mohammad Atta's passport falling safely to earth after he crashed his jet...


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