Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Decisions this stupid can only be taken at the very top

I see where the SunPostMedia gang are gonna slice off another 90 journalism jobs for the sake of efficiency.

Because the paper-buying public will never notice that the Ottawa Citizen and the Ottawa Sun have merged newsrooms...

As the think-tank here at Falling Downs has been relentlessly pointing out for years now, the SunPostMedia conglomerate isn't about the news business anymore.


Instead, it's about paying off a couple of hedgies who bought up CanWest debt at pennies on the dollar back in the day.

Yup, those dudes have been working miracles in Canadian journalism ever since!

What's really extra funny, just in case you haven't had enough yet, is that these assholes have the gall to sponsor those galling J-School promos designed to convince idealistic but gullible youth that the once-honourable profession of journalism has a future.

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