Saturday, March 14, 2020

CBC reveals Putin using COVID-19 to subvert democracy

Seems every day brings another scary story or two or three about the malevolent machinations of Russia, China, Iran, or all of the above.

Here is one of today's odious offerings.

Check out the sources for the story.

The boss of the Canadian Armed Forces. He has "seen some stuff," but he can't really talk about it because, it's top secret, of course.

Then there's the Ukrainian ambassador, always a reliable source for the latest scoop on Putin's perfidy.

Rounding out the line-up of impeccable sources, we have "analyst" George Barros of a "Washington-based think-tank."

Well, if a Washington-based think-tank says it, it's obviously true!

There are literally hundreds of think-tanks based in Washington, and if Murray Brewster was doing actual journalism instead of peddling propaganda, he would have let us know which one it was.

Murray or his editors didn't think that was important, so let me fill in the blank; The Institute for the Study of War.

Spend some time perusing their website. It shouldn't take more than ten seconds to get a sense of their Weltanschauuing.

Iran bad. Israel good.

America a force for good in Middle East, as in every region of planet.

America is the Exceptional Nation, carrying high the banner of freedom and human rights and democracy, her sails filled with the breath of God Himself.

The Institute for the Study of War is yet another disinformation outlet for the Kagan clan, perhaps the most belligerent family of war-mongers in America today. They've not run into many American-sponsored wars they didn't like, and if they didn't like them it was because America didn't get tough enough on the ingrates who resent her unending campaigns to impose their will and their chosen Quislings on the rogue states of the world, ie anyone who who objects to taking their marching orders from Washington.

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