Thursday, March 26, 2020

Let's not miss an opportunity to kick 'em while they're down

You'd think that in these bleak times, all hands in DC would be on deck to fight the pandemic that's about to roll over their country.

Fortunately, there's enough hands left over to make sure the flame of American Exceptionalism continues to burn brightly. To that end, Washington just cranked up its sanctions on Iran.

That's not the only struggling society that could use a little nudge over the edge. They've been telling us for years that Maduro is an evil dictator who enjoys making his people suffer. Turns out he's even worse than that, if such a thing can be imagined; he's a global drug trafficking kingpin!

They've issued a fifteen million dollar reward for information leading to Maduro's arrest. Obviously, years of sanctions haven't disabused him of his tyrannical ways. Maybe this will do it. Once he's safely behind bars the coast will be clear for Venezuela's legitimate leader, democratically elected by Mike Pompeo and Chrystia Freeland, to take his rightful place.

Then there's China. A number of prominent DC pols have in recent days been speculating aloud that the COVID virus was a deliberate provocation by the communist state. Today they're sending a USN destroyer through the Taiwan Strait just to let the commies know we're onto them.

It's easy to get the impression these days that coronavirus is the only news on the agenda. Thankfully, Washington has the skills and resources to keep Americans safe from all their adversaries, not just that Chinese virus.

God bless America!

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