Sunday, March 1, 2020

Glenn Beck; way scarier than the coronavirus

Move over KKK, the BBB is coming to town! That would be Bernie's Bolshevik Brownshirts, according to Glenn Beck.

Don't be fooled. These folks aren't socialists, let alone "democratic" socialists. No, they're hardcore Marxist revolutionaries! Not only that, but they have guns and molotov cocktails, and pipe-bombs and stuff!

But do not despair. The forces of righteousness, led by Donald J Trump, have courage and truth on their side...

See what I mean? What would you rather do; self-quarantine for a couple of weeks and hope the coronavirus passes, or listen to Beck's entire 44 minute speech at CPAC the other day?


  1. Any difference between CPAC and AIPAC is an illusion. No surprises here.

  2. Oh, and Elizabeth Warren has now
    publicly stated that she is running "to stop Bernie Sanders". WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! The masks have come off. Look for a Brokered Convention after Tuesday. And Hillary. And this is no joke.

  3. Now,Klobuchar has dropped out, endorsing Biden. Can't wait for the debates: "I love Israel more than you do!", now that The Democratic Party will have effectively dumped Bernie. Again.
