Thursday, March 19, 2020


The great philosophers across the ages have debated the definition of life, living, and the meaning or lack of meaning thereof.

I'm obviously not qualified to participate in that debate, but one thing that I know for sure is that sitting in your cave all day with your eyes on a screen is not "living," no matter how you define it.

The ducks and the geese are opening their marsh across the way just like they do every spring. They're totally oblivious to COVID-19 hysteria. Instead, they keep doing what they always do. I think I even heard some frogs this morning, so they're starting to stir.

In another month or so, the snapping turtles will be clawing their way out of the muck. Their genomic template will demand that they cross at least one paved road before they can lay their eggs, and that's what they'll do.

I've seen some blue herons hanging around. Guess they didn't realize the borders are closed. Hope I don't give them the Wuhan flu.

The bears and the raccoons will be out in time to eat the turtle eggs. The farmer down the road told me he's actually seen the raccoons snatching eggs out of a snapper's ass end while she's laying them.

I believe him.

What I don't believe is that the Wuhan Flu, coronavirus,  COVID-19, or whatever you choose to call it, is even a remote threat to civilization as we know it.

They're just bullshitting us to death.

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