Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The incubation period of a toxic Facebook ad

As we all know, because we've all been told so many times, Putin put his fanboy Trump in the White House on the strength of $100,000 worth of Facebook ads in the run-up to the 2016 election.

So who can blame Bloomberg for trying the old Facebook gambit? The billionaire went all in, spending a million dollars per day in the weeks before "Super Tuesday."

By now we know how that worked out. What went wrong?

The think tank here at Falling Downs pulled together some focus groups to get to the bottom of the matter. We plied them with our premium pear cider till they couldn't focus anymore, and this is what we came up with.

Seems that for all the high-priced help Bloomie has surrounded himself with, nobody took into consideration the fact that truly effective Facebook ads require a gestation period. You can't just plop random factoids onto Facebook and expect folks to act on them. They need time to trickle down into the deeper recesses of your psyche, where they can co-mingle with your darkest fears and your most debilitating phobias.

That can take months.

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