Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Coronavirus conspiracies

So-called conspiracy theories tend to arise when a very public event requires an over-abundance of coincidences to occur simultaneously. 9/11 is probably the most well known example. Most of us are willing to acknowledge that, yes, coincidences do happen, but when we're  asked to accept that several dozen coincidences occurred within a matter of hours, people understandably become sceptical.

COVID-19 is heading in that direction. This article at Global Research is well worth a read. Chossudovsky has been a giant pain in the ass to mainstream narrative spinners for many years. There have been orchestrated campaigns to have him fired from his tenured professorship, but so far freedom of speech has prevailed.

Another writer I find well informed and worth reading is Pepe Escobar. He's suggesting that coronavirus is part of the shadow war already playing out between the US and China. That aligns him, oddly enough, with right-wing war-monger Fred Kagan, who was quoted recently as saying "the war is already on."

Kagan was specifically talking about war with Russia, but Russia and China are the major powers seen as "hostile" to freedom, democracy, human rights, and of course, American Exceptionalism. In other words, they're the main obstacles to the "full spectrum dominance" at the heart of America's foreign policy.

And in case you're worried about that, here's a reassuring headline from Fox News; Coronavirus has no impact on ability to launch nuclear weapons.

So rest easy, and happy Saint Paddy's Day!

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