Tuesday, November 27, 2012

About those NATO missiles in Turkey


There's an air of undue haste about the stationing of Patriot missile batteries on the easterly extremities of the Turkey-Syria border. And the supposed rationale for the placement - to protect Turkey from a Syrian missile attack, is obvious rubbish.

The real reason for the sudden arrival of NATO missiles is to protect Israel from Iranian retaliation in the pending war on Iran.

It is significant that these missile batteries will not be under the control of the Turkish armed forces, but rather under "NATO" command. On the face of it the reason given for this, that Turkey is after all a member of NATO, seems plausible.

The USA is a member of NATO too but no one believes for a moment that anyone but Americans control "NATO" missiles on American soil, just like they'll be controlling the hardware on Turkey's soil. The reason this is important is because any overt Turkish participation in a US/Israel war on Iran would be highly controversial both within the Turk military establishment and with the public at large.

In fact, such complicity would bring on a "Turkish Spring" in a heartbeat, and/or another military coup. The latter is somewhat less likely with the elite of the military command languishing in prison after the last "conspiracy."

Turkey cannot be relied on to fight in Israel's defense as another Islamic country is attacked, and this NATO maneuver neatly solves that problem. 

One wonders what promises were made to Netanyahu to bring about the premature cease-fire in Gaza?

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