Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Last election before armegeddon

I'm watching my election coverage on the Fox network.

That is the network of choice for paranoid folks who are pre-disposed to have apocalyptic delusions.

Like me.

But I live in south Ontario, a couple of hours north west of the Great Toronto Area, and two hours from the nearest border crossing, so why do I give a shit?

Well, if the Rominator wins, I'll be less likely to succumb to an Iranian nuke attack.

The probability will possibly go down by as much as .00000000000001 per cent.

But probability is probability.

I'd just feel safer with the Mittster.

Hey, would that not have made a great slogan?

Memnonically that's a winner; BE SAFER WITH THE MITTSTER.

How is it even possible that I ended up with a welding career when I could have been rocking Madison Ave?

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