Monday, November 12, 2012

The blossoming of the Syria Salvation Strategy

Hillary has succeeded with the Doha operation to imbue an American-sponsored Syrian opposition with the aura of legitimacy. The Gulf Cooperation Council, those Sunni state-lets fully dependent on American largess for their continued existence, were quick to rubber stamp the newly formed "We're Not The SNC We're Totally Different Revolutionary Coalition" (WNTSNCWTDRC) as the legitimate representatives of the Syrian people today.

Their rubber stamp was quickly followed up by another from the Arab league.

One of the disturbing truths that Washington and her allies in the Nations of Virtue and their media will be struggling to obscure in the coming weeks is the fact that virtually none of the fighters on the ground in Syria answer to anyone in the newly minted cadre of  "legitimate representatives."

That means building a reliable revolutionary army from the ground up while Syria is in flames. While that job is already well underway across the border in Turkey, it will take US/NATO minders on the ground in Syria to keep an eye on who is receiving American arms and money.

This new "legitimate" entity will also pave the way for at least a partial no-fly zone in Syria as soon as the new representatives of the Syrian people can get at least a few representatives on the ground in Syria to justify calling for one. This will enable a repetition of the Libyan strategy of NATO bombing paving the way with Paveway smart bombs for our rebels.

There is a complication in Syria, of course. What of the rebels that are already fighting in the country, and do not take their orders from this new al-Attasi/ al-Khatib/ Sabra/ Saif (AASS, another acronym if you find WNTSNCWTDRC too unwieldy) pro-USA group?

Aye, that is a complication indeed, but only for the people of Syria. In the Nations of Virtue the prospect of having rival Islamist groups fight it out over the next generation or two isn't seen as an altogether unpleasant prospect.

Remember, the same crowd in Washington who did everything they could to provoke and prolong the Iran/Iraq war are engineering the Syrian Salvation Strategy.

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