Monday, November 12, 2012

Another Canadian journalist pees pants in praise of Petraeus

Because he is obviously a genius, don't you know!

Because he is such a towering genius that his recycled anti-insurgency strategy is now taught at war colleges as the "Petraeus Doctrine", don't you know!

This time the culprit is Rose Dimanno, who writes for Canada's most liberal newspaper, the Toronto Star. She joins Matt Fisher of the right-leaning Postmedia group in establishing that in Canada at least, the Petraeus fan club is a fully bipartisan phenomenon.

As anyone who has not been star-struck by a personal encounter with the man already knows, "his" recycled anti-insurgency strategy didn't work in Viet Nam, where it originated, and didn't work in Iraq or Afghanistan where Petraeus the Genius implemented it.

Petraeus was able to ride a long wave of uncritical media cheerleading to great heights in the Washington defense establishment only to be revealed as a mere mortal after all.

He's the General who led America's retreat from both Iraq and Afghanistan, and got caught with his pants down when he was entrusted with a serious desk job.

Yesterday's hero.

Tomorrow's footnote.

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