Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Seeing my dear Mum these days involves at least five hours of driving for a round trip. That's a lot of driving for a 45 minute visit.

It's well worth it though. After all these years I still love Mum, as much as ever. Or Mutti as we knew her back in the day.

She's had some health issues these past couple of years, and I was happy to hear that she's getting ahead of that stuff! She looks and sounds great!

Then she updated me on my brother's medical situation. He blew an intestine recently and was kind of in the grey zone for a bit - we didn't know if he was going to heaven or staying here a while longer. Looks like he's made up his mind to stick around, and he's making the best of it.

Rock on, brother!

Then she gave me the update on one of the relatives back in the old country. An uncle of mine.

Great guy. I've met him maybe half a dozen times. Very congenial.

So my Mum is telling me this story, about how Onkel is perhaps heading down the Alzheimer Highway, but meanwhile, his companion of 25 years, who happens to be at least 20 years his junior, (there's a mystery quadratic equation in there somewhere folks... tell me what it is and I'll send you a Falling Downs coffee Mug) has been suffering a non-stop array of ailments... she needs a kidney... and she has some kind of cancer... and, quite unrelated to the cancer, she's going in for brain surgery next month...


By then it was time to go.

My mother is enjoying relatively good health and has her wits about her. That's my present on Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day, Mutti!

PS Anybody who writes in about that mystery quadratic equation, don't forget to include $45 for shipping and handling for your free Falling Downs coffee mug.


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