The Canadian government has a fleet of nine luxury executive jets that get so little use their pilots fly around with no passengers just to keep their fly-time qualifications.
The nine Citation 550's are worth about ten million apiece. According to government data they are used about 2% of their available flight time. What are they doing the rest of the time? Well, sometimes the pilots just go for a spin to log a few hours. After all, if they don't have a minimum number of hours in the air they lose their commercial jet endorsements on their qualifications.
Maybe while they're running those empty jets around at a cost of two thousand dollars an hour they can fly over Attawpiskat First Nation. That's the reservation in Northern Ontario that declared a state of emergency a couple of weeks ago because they fear their people are at risk of freezing to death in the coming winter.
So far no government representative from any level of government has visited Attawpiskat to assess the situation, let alone do anything about it. That's not for a lack of government executive jets to get them there, obviously.
It's because they don't give a shit.
Taking care of the people or taking care of the luxury jets. Decisions decisions...
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