Sunday, November 20, 2011

Politicos strut while 200 billion litres of raw sewage flows into ocean

Back in the hippy-dippy days I once found myself in a little town an hour or two south of Rome right on the Mediterranean. No particular reason. I'd scored a chunk of hash in Amsterdam the size of a chocolate bar. After you do that you can end up anywhere.

Stripped off my clothes and ran into the sea. Ahh! What a glorious moment! I was doing backstrokes under the blazing Mediterranean sun when I bumped into something. Reached around, fished through the water, and came up with... A PIECE OF HUMAN EXCREMENT!

Sure took the shine off the moment. I think they'd call that a buzzkill these days. But it comes to mind today because that tireless headline-hound Peter "Pinocchio" MacKay is at it again. At a security conflab in Halifax Canada's Defense Minister announced that Canada is committing a warship to the eastern Mediterranean till at least the end of 2012. The reason? To show everybody, but especially the big dogs in NATO we've been sucking up to, that "Canada continues its leadership role on the world stage."

Oh my! The well of hubris overfloweth yet again. Leadership role on the world stage? Leading cheerleader for the Tel Aviv-Washington Axis is more like it, or the Axis of Evil as it's known in the non-NATO nations. In MacKay's world-view being the number one bumboy to the most dangerous regimes on the planet is a great achievement.

While MacKay sends warships to scoop turds out of the Mediterranean...oops sorry, that was Kurds I think. Didn't read the press release that closely. W made the same mistake once. Anyway, whatever we're doing over there, real actual turds continue to flow into the Atlantic and the Pacific and the Arctic Oceans from Canadian communities that cannot afford to treat their raw sewage. 200 billion litres a year worth of raw un-treated shit straight into the oceans.

Now I suppose our leaders will say, hey, that's Canadian shit. Our shit don't stink. What's the problem? Besides, times are tough. We can't afford to fix it.

That's the problem. We can afford to patrol the Mediterranean with our warships. We can afford smart bombs... oh, sorry, make that "projectiles of democratic values" for Libya, we can afford a billion for a new Defense Department HQ, 25 billions for new warships, untold billions for new prisons and fighter jets and on and on.

But we can't afford to treat our sewage?

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