Sunday, January 8, 2012

Five severed heads found in Mexican city

That's a headline on the Reuters site this hour.

That's nothing. In Mexico, finding a few heads here and there detached from their bodies is like finding a dead cat beside the road in Michigan.

You just don't give it any thought.

In Mexico 10, 20, or 30 heads wouldn't raise any eyebrows.

A few months ago 35 bodies were dumped on a highway in Boca del Rio in the middle of the afternoon.

Oddly enough, the Mexican government treats this like it's business as usual. This is in fact what it has become since President Calderon launched the epic last surge in the "war on drugs" a few years ago.

These crimes are neither investigated or solved. A few more severed heads is just business as usual.

In spite of the mayhem, the government expects that 2012 will be a record year for tourism. It's got to do with that Mayan calender end-of-the-world stuff.

What's a few more severed heads when it's the end of the world?

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