Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tom Ridge now doing PR for Iranian terror group MEK

Tom Ridge was the first Secretary of  Homeland Security. He quit after two years to take his chances as a free-lance lobbyist.

How’s that been going for him? Even though his national security profile was by far overshadowed by a host of more robust personalities around Washington, he seems to have done alright for himself.

His clients don’t hire him for his grasp of national security issues. They hire him because he’s a political insider. That’s what got him the Homeland Security gig in the first place. In the decade since leaving Homeland Security he’s found work shilling for the nuclear industry, the oil sector, and now foreign terrorist organizations.

That’s right, the former Secretary of Homeland Security now does public relations work  for the MEK, the shadowy Iranian terror group that was funded by Saddam Hussein for many years. Writing on the Fox News site today, Ridge claims that he knows and admires the leader of the MEK,  Maryam Rajavi, who he claims cherishes the same American values that we all do.

Soon after we put paid to Saddam’s ability to sponsor Iranian terrorists, Rajavi was arrested at her villa in France, along with 160 followers and millions of euros in cash. It is not known in polite circles who funds the MEK today, but there are voices in impolite circles who have suggested that their funding comes mainly from the CIA.

Why would we want to sponsor an Iranian terror group? Their main goal is making trouble for the ayatollahs. That’s something that fits right in there with those American values we share.

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