Saturday, January 21, 2012

If Frederick got two beatings a day, how many beatings did he get in a week?

A schoolteacher in the American South lost his job this week for posing this question in a math assignment.

America lives in a state of constant denial.

Slavery? What slavery?

Slaves were never mistreated, especially since there were never any slaves to begin with.

All those black folks who came over from Africa in leg-irons were just the illegal immigrants of the day.

America bent over backwards to make them feel welcome. All that civil rights stuff in the '60's? Liberal propaganda!

Every patriotic American knows that the black folks who came over here to pick cotton had a way higher standard of living than the black folks who stayed in Africa.

It is indeed a sign of how far the communist teachers' unions have subverted the curriculum that such anti-American filth would find its way into a homework assignment.

The slaves got beatings? I say that commie teacher should get a good beating.

Such a slander on America can never be tolerated in the education of our children.

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