Thursday, January 19, 2012

Getting high in the holy land

Well here's a spot of good news.

Whether you're a Christian or a Jew, planning a trip to the land of Abraham and Moses and Jesus doesn't mean you won't be able to take a toke of the weed 'o wisdom.

In the course of planning my own trip to the land of our fore-fathers I've come up with a bit of useful info.

Everywhere you go you can get the best of the good stuff just by asking around a bit. But you have to exercise a bit of discretion.

When you're coming in to the airport at Tel Aviv, everybody is so cheery and helpful you wan't to assume they're all pot-friendly. Don't fall for it. This is not the time to ask about scoring a bag of weed.

In fact, don't be asking for a "bag" of anything. It marks you as a tourist who wants to pay top dollar. Even when you are a tourist who is happy to pay top dollar, it makes no sense to advertise the fact.

Take your time. Get to know the locals.

Good things will happen.

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