Monday, May 21, 2012

Obama's humiliation of President Zardari will come back to bite him

It was a pathetic scene, more reminiscent of grade school bullying than international diplomacy.

The assorted NATO capos in attendance at Chicago this weekend made a point of ignoring the Pakistani leader. This after having invited him in the first place.

NATO and the US are miffed that Zardari hasn't re-opened their supply lines that run through Pakistan and permit resupply of ISAF in Afghanistan. For his part, Zardari is holding out for an apology for the US attack that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers a few months back.

He'd also like a stand-still agreement on further drone attacks on his country. Seems reasonable enough. There is no reason whatsoever that we should be allowed to continuously violate the sovereignty of other nations whenever we feel like it.

But rather than apologize and be seen as weak, Obama wants to be seen as the big dog.

So instead of sitting down with the man and sorting out things face to face, he sends his minions off to court new friends.





Yes, all these new friends are happy to accommodate our need for supply routes into Afghanistan. At a price, of course!

And a glance at a map and a quick read of current events tells you that these new supply routes are longer and no more secure.

But at least it will spare Obama the anguish of having to apologize.

For his part, President Zardari must be wondering why the big boys invited him to the party if they don't want to talk to him.

It's a snub he won't soon forget.

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