Friday, May 4, 2012

Uncle Murray's rum

The regular readers will remember that last weekend we did the clean-out of Uncle Murray's apartment.

The old Jew went to a home. The youngsters got to clean out the apartment.

Mind you, we didn't get any of the valuable stuff.

As for me, I'm just thrilled to be considered one of the youngsters.

There's a fifty-one inch Panasonic TV that'll probably go for two hundred bucks. Just needs a hundred dollar bulb of some sort.

I'm thinking what the fuck, who comes to a moving sale and pays anything for anything when you announce it just needs a new something for a hundred bucks?

But no, at these family deals nobody ever listens to the voice of reason.


But I digress.

I want to talk about Uncle Murray's rum.

This is killer shit.

All the writing on the labels is in French.

I can make out "Martinique" and 50%.

So I gather it's half from Martinique but man does it have a kick. I personally have a pretty high tolerance for high-octane liquor but this stuff is wicked nasty.

I don't even remember Uncle Murray ever going to Martinique.

Hell, if he was knocking back this stuff I can see why he doesn't remember either.

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