Friday, March 1, 2013

How much more evidence will the American people need before they admit their "democracy" is a farce?

This latest budgetary fiasco has been brought to you by the 400 or so millionaires who have been elected to the House of Representatives. Whether they sit as Democrats or Republicans it seems obvious enough to an outsider that they represent the millionaire class.

In other words, no matter how many shipyard workers, border guards, air-traffic controllers and hundreds of other job categories will be pink-slipped as a result of this foolishness, none of the fat cats creating this impasse are going to be missing any meals or any mortgage payments.

Millionaire Congressmen can afford to hold their breath till their constituents' faces turn blue. They can afford to make quixotic stands on obscure principles. They can afford to pose in front of news cameras and denounce their equally culpable co-conspirators on the other side of the aisle.

The Great Black Hope can stand in front of the same cameras and spout nonsense about a "Jedi mind meld" when the decent thing to do is either roll up his sleeves and start leading, or admit he doesn't have the stomach for it and resign.

The tragedy is that this latest fake crisis doesn't hurt Obama and it doesn't hurt the elected representatives who have created it.

It hurts the regular folks.

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