Friday, March 8, 2013

Sean Penn hobnobs with America-haters at Chavez funeral

That's more or less the spin you're going to find when you google "Sean Penn Chavez funeral."

Yup, just another Hollywood liberal sucking up to the world-wide conspiracy to tear down America.

The only problem with that theory is that it's wrong on every level. Hugo Chavez was a great fan of American culture and American people and American baseball.

What he could not abide was American foreign policy.

The Beltway twats in charge of that foreign policy would do well to peruse the list of heads of state attending that funeral.

How many of those countries get American "aid" in one form or another?

Your "aid" has obviously not deterred them from honoring a man whom the American government has gone out of its way to portray as an anti-democratic, anti-American despot.

Which brings me back to Sean Penn.

The think tank here at Falling Downs has commended Penn for his efforts to assist Haiti. We have also said he is much too cosy with current Haiti boss Michel Martelly.

Martelly was at the Chavez funeral too. What this suggests is that within the so-called non-aligned states attendance was seen as something of a halo-polishing strategy. Martelly was Haiti's popular choice for President only because the real popular choice is banished from the land, not by Haitians, but by the US.

Aristide has far more in common with Chavez than Martelly ever will.

Sean Penn knows this, and he should stand up and say so.

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