Saturday, February 16, 2013

Al Qaeda militants in control of Benghazi

Reports from Libya indicate that the Ansar al Sharia militia, responsible for the attack on the US consulate last September, have re-emerged and now man checkpoints into the eastern city.

They are for all practical purposes the local branch of the al Qaeda franchise. After the September attack they went low-profile, but as the bellicose rhetoric coming from the likes of Senator John McCain has proved nothing but talk, they are apparently resuming a more visible role once again.

They are also transitioning into a more socially active player in terms of providing social services where the government has been failing the people. Much as Hezbollah was able to win the loyalty of the locals in Southern Lebanon by establishing order and providing services in an area where the government feared to tread, Ansar al Sharia will win adherents among a populace fed up with the incompetence of the NATO installed stooges in Tripoli.

Then we can pat ourselves on the back for having replaced a progressive and secular regime with another al Qaeda affiliated dictatorship.

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