Saturday, February 16, 2013


That's a stunner! I heard it on the CBC News as I was driving the Farm Manager to the Foodland on the weekly resupply junket.

According to the CBC, the news came from a memo leaked from the Moscow G20 meeting this weekend.

I have since spent hours trying to nail the story down. Because it would be a great story. Imagine a single corporate tax rate all across the G20.

And since the G20 are the bully boys of the global economy, they can readily impose a uniform tax on the rest of the world.

Good-bye to corporate tax havens!

Hello billions of dollars for the common good!

Depending on where the tax was set, that could even be trillions!

Alas, I can't seem to find any corroboration for the CBC news story anywhere.

But I can find plenty of stories like this and this.

So I have reluctantly concluded that insofar as the G20 have agreed on a uniform corporate tax rate, the rate will be zero.

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