Thursday, December 22, 2011

70 dead as peace and stability reign in Bagdahd

As State Department spokesman Pat Kennedy said the other day, that Iraq democracy we installed may not be perfect, but by God, at least they're democratic now.

Multiple car bombs put the exclamation mark behind Kennedy's comments today. A mere 48 hours after the official withdrawal of official American troops the Iraqi capital was wracked by the worst terror outbreak in years.

There are of course rival theories about who is behind the bombing. American media have thus far gone out of their way to assure their audience that this fresh outbreak of violence is "non-sectarian" in nature, and in fact is most likely the work of Al Qaeda. You know, those guys who sacrificed all their top minds on 9/11 and have since struggled with dolts who may have the jihad spirit but are too stunned to successfully blow up their shoes and underpants.

Media in the rest of the world seem to see today's attacks as very much sectarian. Specifically, as an attack on the Shia government by the Sunni minority. The Sunni's if you recall, are the bad guys we went in to take out. Sadam's people.

The Shia are the people who we put in, or at least let in. Since they are the majority, they can pretty much have their way in a democratic society. By the way, they are supported by the Shia country next door; Iran. Yes, that Iran, the one we're going to have to attack one of these days to make sure we can delay their nuclear weapons program by a few years.

Confusing? You bet. But one thing is very clear; the American taxpayer has spent a trillion dollars to make this mess. Almost 5,000 American died to make this mess. Over 30,000 Americans were grievously injured in the course of bringing this imperfect democracy to Iraq.

And it's far from over.

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