Sunday, December 25, 2011

Newt drops ball in Virginia; Adelson pissed

Newt Gingrich has missed the filing deadline to run in the Virginia primaries.

Having earlier claimed that he intended to deliver the papers personally he later changed his story and said he'd missed his flight from Iowa due to hassles with unionized airport workers.

Whatever the truth, one thing is for certain. Not being on the ticket in Virginia is a serious blow to the Gingrich campaign. Insiders with knowledge of the matter say Gingrich moneyman Sheldon Adelson hit the roof when he heard the news.

"What kind of schmuck misses a deadline? This is the future of the free world we are talking about! He missed a fucking deadline?! Millions and millions I have put on this schlemel, and he misses a deadline?"

In other GOP leadership news, Rick Perry missed the deadline too. In his case, though, it's obvious he just didn't have any support. That crock about creating all those jobs didn't hold much water after folks found out they were all minimum wage jobs. And the fact that he bellies up to the trough at the Texas treasury for a double helping every month didn't help his case either. Perry is toast.

Meanwhile Ron Paul got his paperwork done and handed in and will be on the ticket in Virginia.

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