Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Could deadly mutant virus fall into wrong hands?

That's what a Fox News headline is asking us.

Think about it for a minute. Are there "right" hands for a deadly mutant virus? The virus in question is a strain of bird flu developed by Dutch scientists with US government funding.

This should raise both eyebrows and questions all over the place.

Why is the US government paying for research in Holland? Are there no scientists in America?

Who would want to create a deadly mutant virus in the first place?

What are they planning to do with it?

If the "right" hands have developed the deadly mutant virus, what would "wrong" hands do? Develop an antidote?

If you have money to spend on research, why not focus on developing a cure for cancer instead of a deadly mutant virus?

Sadly, the only question Fox News has is what would happen if Islamic Terrorists got hold of this virus.

My guess is they'd be dead real quick.

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